Monday, December 23, 2019

Analysis Of Jonathan Edwards s The Hands Of An Angry God

Jonathan Edwards: A Wrath Within Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God is the sermon that Jonathan Edwards is remembered most for; a sermon in which one is fearfully reminded of the scorching tortures of hell that awaits the unrepentant sinner. Within his sermon, Edwards preaches that those sinners plagued by corruption face a malicious judgment; it was the choice made freely by God alone that an imminent wrath had not yet befallen them. The time for one to repent held no guarantee; if God chose to unleash his hellfire at that very moment, the unrepentant would face an eternity of anguish. Edwards lashes out against the concept of sin in his sermon, stating, â€Å"Sin is the ruin and misery of the soul; it is destructive in its nature; and if God should leave it without restraint, there would need nothing else to make the soul perfectly miserable.† Perhaps Jonathan Edwards’ obvious abhorrence of sin had a connection to a reason beyond the apparent; the words of his sermo n being directed much more to himself than to his audience. The wrath presented within Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God was due to Edwards’ fear of his own damnation- he feared having been too late reborn, but more so he feared sin and its masked hold upon him; an overall inability to conquer the beast of his own humanity. Jonathan Edwards was a man plagued by dread, and in this agony of fear, he thus inflicted a terror on others for their own salvation; trepidation being communicated through the words of aShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Jonathan Edwards s Sinners The Hands Of An Angry God 1376 Words   |  6 Pagesthe Hands of an Angry God,† Jonathan Edwards , main purpose was to scare the audience and tell them that they are doomed to spend their lives suffering from God s wrath in hell. His sermons were intended as a wake-up call for those who underplayed the majesty of a holy God and overemphasized their own worthiness as a decent, hard-working, successful citiz ens. Edwards believed strongly that only a genuine conversion experience should qualify a person for church membership. 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